The two major project goals are (i) to better understand the mechanisms underlying the language of adult bilingual learners of a second language (in relation to anaphora resolution); (ii) to create new electronic resources (corpora) like COREFL and enlarge existing corpora like CEDEL2 to better undertand anaphora resolution in second language acquisition. Our corpora are being collected online via the web portal LEARNERCORPORA.COM and include:

CEDEL2 corpus (Corpus Escrito del Español como L2), which contains data from several L1s and several native control corpora. CEDEL2 is already available online at More information at:

COREFL (Corpus of English as a Foreign Language), which contains data from L1 Spanish/German learners of L2 English, as well as a comparable English native subcorpus.

More information can be found at:

Project duration: 1 January 2017 - 31 December 2020
Project ID: FFI2016-75106-P
Funding Agency: MINECO (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad), Spain

Anaphora examples (Cambria, Poria, Bisio, Bajpai, & Chaturvedi, 2015)