We're delighted to share with you the following five movies which demonstrate how to develop literacy with young children and how collaboration with parents and libraries can help you do this. The evidence-based movies are outcomes of the research project COMPARE and have been produced by Dr. Claudine Kirsch and Laura Colucci (from COMPARE) and Pit Lutgen and Dr. Simone Mortini (from the National Youth Service).

The movies are funded by the National Youth Service while the project COMPARE is funded by the National Research Fund (FNR), the Ministry of National Education, Childhood and Youth (MENJE) and the National Youth Service (SNJ).

Below you can find the content of the movies.

Introduction to the movies of the project COMPARE

This movie introduces the research team and the content of the series.

Movie 1. Literacy – What is it?

Early literacy experiences positively influence children's language and narrative skills, their learning to read and write, and future school achievements. The first video introduces the concept of literacy and presents productive situations.

Movie 2. Developing literacy – How and with whom?

In this movie we show you how to develop literacy with the help of parents and libraries.

Movie 3. Parent visits – an enrichment

This video shows you two examples of collaboration. An educator and parents explain the benefits of collaboration for the children, the parents and the educators.

Movie 4. Towards a partnership with parents

In this day-care centre, the educators regularly cook with the children and sometimes with the parents. Literacy events in several languages occur spontaneously. Parents and the head of the day-care centre present the effects of collaboration.

A project in collaboration with:

Ministère de l'Education nationale, de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse logo

Service National de la Jeunesse logo

Luxembourg National Research Fund logo


Prof. Dr. Claudine Kirsch
Branch Director / Full Professor, University of Luxembourg / Multilingual Pedagogies More
Dr. Simone Mortini
Branch Member / Project manager in “Innovation”, Service national de la jeunesse / Multilingual education in Early Childhood Education and Care More