Find out about our new Bilingualism Matters social enterprise and how to get involved.
We are excited to announce that the new Bilingualism Matters social enterprise launches today, Wednesday 30th March 2022, in the city of Edinburgh, where the original information centre was first established 14 years ago.
The new social enterprise is a not-for-profit membership organisation, aiming to work on an international level to bridge the gap between research and society on the subject of multilingualism and language learning.
There are currently 30 affiliated Bilingualism Matters centres across the world, mostly located at research centres within universities who want to ensure their research messages reach wider audiences within their own countries.
With the launch of the social enterprise, Bilingualism Matters intends to continue expanding, with new membership and affiliation opportunities now offered to individuals and non-research organisations.
The original Bilingualism Matters research and information centre at the University of Edinburgh continues to operate as part of the international network, offering talks and information services to the local and national area.