'The Multilingual Mind' is a lecture series on multilingualism across disciplines from the Multimind Project.
‘The Multilingual Mind’ lecture series is running from April to June 2021. The lectures will take place every Tuesday from 17.00 until 18.30 (CEST/UTC+02). This semester they will be hosted by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Jagiellonian University, University of Konstanz, University Milano-Bicocca, and University of Reading. As in the previous semesters, the speakers will present research findings on multilingualism across different disciplines, in line with the MultiMind project (linguistics, education, psychology, neuroscience, speech & language pathology). The lecture series is aimed at anyone interested in multilingualism. More details and booking on the Multimind website.
13.04.21 Erika Hoff (Florida Atlantic University): Why bilingual development is not easy, but possible
20.04.21 Núria Sebastián Gallés (Pompeu Fabra University): How bilingualism shapes the infants’ mind/brain
27.04.21 Merel Keijzer (University of Groningen): Language learning as a vaccine to promote healthy aging: The linguistic, social and cognitive effects of third-age language learning
04.05.21 Francesca Costa & Maria Teresa Guasti (University of Milano-Bicocca): Double or single literacy in different contexts
11.05.21 Napoleon Katsos (University of Cambridge): Bilingualism in children with developmental disorders: From language and cognition to human rights
18.05.21 Marco Calabria (Open University of Catalonia): How is cognitive neuropsychology contributing to bilingualism research?
25.05.21 Jia’en Yee (University Putra Malaysia): Multilingualism effects on brain structure
01.06.21 Maren Eikerling (IRCCS - Associazione La Nostra Famigli 'Istituto scientifico Eugenio Medea'): Computerized bilingual screenings of developmental language disorder and developmental dyslexia in bilingual children
08.06.21 Johanne Paradis (University of Alberta): Bilingual development in first generation Syrian refugee children: What factors contribute to successes and challenges?
15.06.21 Dávid György (University of Geneva): Rhythmic priming of syntactic processing: a common structure?