A PhD student and Bilingualism Matters Edinburgh volunteer, Carine Abraham, is looking for three different groups of native peninsular Spanish speakers to help with her research. This study is running until September 2021.

Details on the three different groups and how to join are below. If you would like any additional information please contact Carine by email: C.Abraham@ed.ac.uk

Group 1: Spanish speakers from Spain living in the UK

  • Are you native speaker of peninsular Spanish?
  • Speak English as a second language and no other language?
  • Over 18?
  • Live in the UK?
  • Would you like to help out language science?

If you answered YES to all the above questions, you're eligible to complete the Story Reading study and be compensated £8 (PayPal or bank transfer) for around 60 minutes of your time.

Click here to join!

Group 2: Spanish speakers living in Spain (also speak English)

  • Are you native speaker of peninsular Spanish?
  • Speak English as a second language and no other language?
  • Over 18?
  • Have never lived in an English speaking country?
  • Would you like to help out language science?

If you answered YES to all the above questions, you're eligible to complete the Story Reading study and be compensated £8 (PayPal or Amazon) for around 60 minutes of your time.

Click here to join!

Group 3: Spanish speakers living in Spain (speaker of no other language)


  • ¿Eres un hablante nativo monolingüe de la variedad penínsular del Español?
  • ¿Hablabas sólo español de pequeñx?
  • ¿Resides actualmente en España?
  • ¿Tienes más de 18 años?
  • ¿Te gustaría echar una mano con el estudio del lenguaje?

Si has contestado SÍ a todas las preguntas, cumples todos los requisitos para participar en nuestro estudio en Story Reading y conseguir £4 por aproximadamente 30 minutos de sesión. Para poder recibir la compensación, debes tener cuenta en Amazon o PayPal.

Haz clic aquí