Bilingualism Matters @ Monash Education serves as a collaborative group for researchers and academics, teachers and community members interested in bilingualism and language learning. Our primary objective is the generation and dissemination of knowledge in this field, to support teachers, parents and community groups. Through ongoing forums, support and advisory services, and academic programs and events, the branch aims to raise awareness among local schools, policy makers, and society at large of the benefits of bi/multilingualism. By fostering dialogue and collaboration, we facilitate the exchange of ideas, promote best practice in classroom contexts, and bridge the gap between research and practice.

26 Mar 2025
BMS25 Master Class

24 Mar 2025
The Bilingualism Matters Symposium (BMS) is an interdisciplinary conference organised by Bilingualism Matters. It is open to researchers as well as practitioners, irrespective of their affiliation with Bilingualism Matters. The BMS aims to stimulate a productive dialogue between researchers in different academic disciplines and practitioners in different sectors of society. BMS will take place in Edinburgh from March 24-25, 2025.

13 Feb 2025
Professor Antonella Sorace will share knowledge and insights generated by her research on bilingualism at UNESCO celebrations for International Mother Language Day
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Tuesday, 4 April, 2023
We are opening as a branch of Blingualism Matters and will be offically launching this new research outreach group on 4th April 2023. Please join us via Zoom to help us to celebrate this new partnership. We welcome all community members, teachers, and all interested bilingual, multilingual or plurilingual education to join us and let us know how we can share our research with you and your communities. The launch will involve talks from our researchers at Monash and the Director of the Bilingualism Matters consortium Professor Antonella Sorace. We look forward to seeing you online!