Flere språk til flere (More languages to more people) was launched at UiT the Arctic University of Norway in June 2011. The branch communicates cutting-edge research on multilingualism and language learning conducted at the AcqVA Aurora Center (Center for Language Acquisition, Variation & Attrition: The Dynamic Nature of Languages in the Mind). We partner with families, teachers, community groups, multicultural organizations, and policy makers. We believe that everyone can enjoy the benefits of having more than one language.

24 Mar 2025
The Bilingualism Matters Symposium (BMS) is an interdisciplinary conference organised by Bilingualism Matters. It is open to researchers as well as practitioners, irrespective of their affiliation with Bilingualism Matters. The BMS aims to stimulate a productive dialogue between researchers in different academic disciplines and practitioners in different sectors of society. BMS will take place in Edinburgh from March 24-25, 2025.

13 Feb 2025
Professor Antonella Sorace will share knowledge and insights generated by her research on bilingualism at UNESCO celebrations for International Mother Language Day