Les enseignants natifs : essentiels à l’école ?

Ce ne sont que les locuteurs natifs qui savent correctement enseigner une langue à l’école. Est-ce que cette affirmation vous est familière ou, peut-être, en êtes-vous-même convaincus ? Regardons de plus près ce que la recherche nous dit à propos de ce sujet.

Help with research! Looking for children who speak Gaelic, English & at least one other language at home

Children at Scottish Gaelic Medium Education schools between Primary 2 and Primary 5 who speak Gaelic, English and at least one other language at home, are invited to participate in this University of Edinburgh study researching how multilingual children learn Gaelic and English.

MultiMind Final Conference
Bilingualism and Developmental Language Disorder - A new episode of Bilinguismo Conta @Milano-Bicocca Newsletter is out!

Bilinguismo Conta @Milano-Bicocca has published a new Newsletter, entitled "Bilinguismo e Disturbo Primario del Linguaggio" ("Bilingualism and Developmental Language Disorder").