Bilingualism Matters Symposium 2025

The Bilingualism Matters Symposium (BMS) is an interdisciplinary conference organised by Bilingualism Matters. It is open to researchers as well as practitioners, irrespective of their affiliation with Bilingualism Matters. The BMS aims to stimulate a productive dialogue between researchers in different academic disciplines and practitioners in different sectors of society. BMS will take place in Edinburgh from March 24-25, 2025.

Join us in our next event: navigating monolingual and multilingual spaces

Are you raising a multilingual child or wondering how best to support your little one’s language journey? Join us in 4th of March to discuss and ask all these questions you might have!

Why bilingualism in any language is important in our globalised world

Professor Antonella Sorace will join the Instituto Cervantes Manchester to celebrate Mother Languages Day

Languages Matter: UNESCO celebrations for International Mother Language Day

Professor Antonella Sorace will share knowledge and insights generated by her research on bilingualism at UNESCO celebrations for International Mother Language Day

Your experience matters!

If you are an early childhood educator, teacher, and/or professional working with young children, we are looking for you.

Call for papers - Multilingual Childhoods 2025

Call for papers - Multilingual Childhoods 2025

New event for families on the 23rd of November in Maison des Sciences Humaines, Black Box.

New event for families on the 23rd of November in Maison des Sciences Humaines, Black Box

Thérapie à Medias Artistiques et Santé Mentale

Participate in our interview study!

European Day of Languages 2024 at The French Institute

On Friday 27 September, join Bilingualism Matters at the Institut français d’Ecosse to celebrate the European Day of Languages with European consulates and cultural organisations!

Build language class excitement: support & sustain European language diversity

Avant Assessment is welcoming participants with an interest in language education to a free, interactive learning session for the European Day of Languages with speakers from Bilingualism Matters and beyond

Exploring approaches to heritage language testing: European Day of Languages 2024

To celebrate the European Day of Languages 2024, ALTE and Bilingualism Matters are inviting you to our free, online panel discussion on ‘Exploring approaches to heritage language testing’.

Never too late: language learning at any age

Join Professor Antonella Sorace for a fascinating workshop on learning new languages as an adult for the RSE Curious Festival this September.

What songs do you like? Music and Music Therapy practices to support multilingualism at home

Event for families. Conference about the current research-based knowledge on the use of music and music therapy practices to support multilingualism in the form of a joyful workshop. Parents and children of all ages are welcome!

‘More than another language!’ at Edinburgh Festival Fringe

Join Professor Antonella Sorace as she performs her ‘More than another language!’ show at the Stand Comedy Club for Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2024

Upcoming talk - Multilingualism in neurotypical and autistic families

Hybrid event about supporting multilingualism at home

Beauty in the mixing: Languages and dialects mix naturally in linguistically diverse contexts

In Southern California, many languages and dialects are in the air. They are spoken on their own and in mixtures in every possible form that might be imagined. Despite the naturalness of language mixing, there is a mythology that switching from one language to the other or allowing all known languages to enter into discourse is marked and not the norm. In this mini conference, we hope to begin to dispel this mythology by coming together to discuss the varied contexts in which languages are mixed. Note that this mini-conference sponsored by Bilingualism Matters in California will precede the Fifteenth Heritage Language Research Institute that will be held at UCI from June 10-June 13:

Festival of Freedom Interactive talk: The Pole Position in Bilingualism

Join Bilingualism Matter’s Professor Antonella Sorace and Dr Katarzyna Przybycień for this exciting interactive talk at the Festival of Freedom, Edinburgh

Bilingualism Matters at the North Edinburgh Community Festival

Join our brilliant team of Bilingualism Matters volunteers at the 3rd annual Festival on Saturday 11th May 2024!

Symposium: Living Multilingualism in Education

Symposium followed by a Panel discussion: Conditions for promoting multilingualism in ECEC

Convegno Background migratorio e plurilinguismo

Convegno dal titolo “Background migratorio e valorizzazione del patrimonio linguistico-culturale “ organizzato dall’Ufficio V Ambito territoriale di Bologna USR E-R, in collaborazione con l’Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna nell’ambito del Festival della Cultura Tecnica.

The Bigger Picture

Join Bilingualism Matters and SCILT online on 31 January 2024 for ‘The Bigger Picture’ - a free, online event designed to give teachers working in complementary and heritage language schools a deeper insight into the role that teachers can play in bilingual language development

BMRS2023 - Bilingualism Matters Research Symposium 2023

Our annual interdisciplinary research conference is on again this year, with a two-day programme packed with the latest bilingualism research. The conference is held at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, USA and online. Registrations OPEN NOW.

Bilinguismo Conta

L’incontro vuole raccontare del progetto regionale e della ricerca connessa e condotta dall’Università di Bologna che coinvolge nidi e scuole dell’infanzia della Regione e che fa emergere dati significativi.

Bilinguismo in famiglia: alcuni strumenti per orientarsi